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Girl, I see you. You're not just an esthetician; you're a skincare magician, a beauty guru, a dreamer. You've got the skills, the heart, and that magic touch. But let's keep it real – sometimes the business side of things feels like you're trying to decode a secret language, right? 

You're dreaming of packed schedules, loyal clients who rave about you, and that sweet sound of your schedule booking out all day long.

But there's this little voice of doubt, wondering if you can really make it big. Well, it's time to silence that voice and step into your power.


you deserve to win at

HI! I'M NAIKIA. OWNER OF ART OF AESTHETICS SKINCARE STUDIO IN west palm beach, FL, 8x award winning esthetician aND CO-FOUNDER OF BEAUTY PROS UNITED, A COMMUNITY FOR  beauty professionals.


step into your power with the

With the 4-Figure Consultation Masterclass, you’ll be selling your products and services like a pro. 

This isn't just another class; it's your blueprint to business success. We're talking about turning those one-time clients into lifelong fans, mastering the art of selling without feeling 'salesy,' and making those 4-figure treatment plans your new normal. 

And the best part? It's all wrapped up in a vibe that's as real and relatable as you are. 

We're diving deep into the secrets of building genuine connections, understanding your clients' needs, and offering solutions that make them go, ‘I need you for life!' 


boost loyalty by 60%

86% of customers pay more

86% of customers are willing to pay more for a better customer experience.

get 30% better retention

Regular follow ups lead to a 30% higher client retention rate.




the data behind the power of consultations

Effective client consultation can boost customer loyalty by 60%.

I'm so in!

All these numbers? They mean that you’re literally leaving money on the table if you don’t master your consultations. 

learn the art of 4-figure consultations

...isn’t in burning out on chasing down more clients for your business. Instead, imagine infinite opportunity with every client that walks into your treatment room.

Turn Every Client Into Infinite Opportunity

The secret to scaling your business...

You can sell solutions - not just one-off treatments - with ease and confidence.

Extending the lifetime value and average spend of each client means you can take fewer clients without worrying about a dip in revenue.

See product sales grow to 30% or more of your sales.

Your clients are more loyal than ever because they’re seeing the results they came to you for in the first place.


The main things you will learn are:

crafting legacy clients

Your journey begins with understanding the 'why' behind your business. Dive into the art of building genuine, lasting relationships with your clients. Learn ethical practices that ensure your clients keep coming back, not because they have to, but because they love to.



systemize your service

Discover the power of systemizing your services. From building authentic connections to offering tailored solutions, this module equips you with the tools to understand and fulfill your clients' desires effectively so you can move through your business with more ease.


pitching Solutions w/ P.A.p.a.

Unveil the secrets of the P.A.P.A formula: Problem Identification, Analyzing Conditions, Pitching Treatment Plans, and Asking for the Sale. Master the 1-Minute Pitch Formula, align product features with client goals, and demonstrate undeniable value. This module turns every product and service you offer into a compelling opportunity for your clients.


lifetime value of clients

Understand the Lifetime Value (LTV) of your clients and learn strategies to maximize this value to transform your business approach from transactional to relational. And in our 30-Day Implementation Challenge, you'll  apply your learnings, set personalized goals, and foster a community of accountability and growth.


for estheticians ready to be booked, busy and living their best lives.

Starting with "why"

Maximize your results

Selling with confidence

Ensure longterm success

sign up now

what they're saying

4-figure consultation masterclass

4 Modules. Consultation Toolkit Template. Other Bonus Item.

transform your biz


buy now

This IS for you if:

You want to grow your business and increase your sales

You want to sell solutions to your clients with ease 

You want to increase the average spend per client

You're ready to stop underselling and under-recommending

You don't currently carry or plan to carry retail products

You have no interest in growing your sales and monthly income

You hate consulting with clients and prefer to treat and say bye

You are not interested in expanding your business acumen

This is NOT for you if:

It's time to turn those dreams into dollars, those fears into fire. Sign up for our 4-Figure Consultation Masterclass today and watch your business explode to the next level as you become a masterful artist in your consultations.

Take your treatments to the next level with powerful, profitable consultations.

$197 - buy now